Dino Website

Digital Innovation didn't really have a channel to show itself to the world, that is why my classmatese and I were tasked with creating a website, the Di(gital) In(novation) website. This project was at the start of my study in Digital Innovation; it was meant as a sort of team-building project to make a closer group of 2DI.
After analyzing the requirements of the project we decided to use Next.js as a framework for the project and Tailwind CSS for styling. My part in this project was to ensure that every project page had the same layout (one template for all projects). I accomplished this by using dynamic pages. Pages for projects were written in markdown, Next.js helps us create a new page for every markdown file present in a certain directory. I also created the cards for the projects. Towards the end, I helped fix some colors and other small things.
At the end of the project, we had a dynamic website with articles and also contact options. A working backend and frontend. This was my first time working in a large team (around 10 people). I learned how to divide tasks between team members and estimate how much time a certain task can take.