Bevagna is a city with a rich history, especially a medieval history, every summer a market is held, Il Mercato Delle Gaite. The sad part is that it can only be enjoyed for two weeks a year. That is why they introduced the TOCC project. With this project tourists of the city of Bevagna can enjoy the medieval experience through a web-based experience.
My task in this project is to create a portal that can be placed in the real-world using AR. Users can walk through the portal, when they do, the real world is masked, and they can see a room. In this room information is shown using different methods such as videos and presentations. Users can walk around this room and discover this information. People can find these portals on the website that is being developed for the project. On this website monuments are placed on a map, the portal I created can be linked to these monuments. The room I created can be used for all monuments; the content can be changed to what is needed.

At this stage I was well integrated in the company and their way of doing things. I had worked with Zapworks before but this was almost 2 years ago, I had to relearn how this worked. During the project we had to change which technologies we wanted to use. Here, I learned how important it is to test technologies before making projects with them and that it is not a bad thing to change plans. Doing this I had to bring forward my own ideas, and explain the situation.